Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Delaware Vetting Betting - Domaineering Opportunities Abound

Last week, Delaware legalized sports betting and moved to allow table games (blackjack, craps, roulette, etc.) in its casinos. Delaware is the only state east of the Mississippi to alow betting on sports, including collegiate and professional. This is HUGE for domain names. There will be vastly increased interest in websites that provide team statistics, making domains like,, and every other state, school and sport "" valuable. Someone should register and similar domains that would provide links to other sites.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Place Your Bets - Online - FAST!

Gambling domains have always been HOT, meaning worth lots of cash. But a new crop of US-gambling-related domain names are about to make some domaineers RICH!

Congressman Barney Frank, a powerhouse in Washington, is about to launch a major effort to legalize online betting in the U.S. I predict the bill will pass and a world of valuable domain names that can be used to market U.S. gambling sites is about to open up. I grabbed just now, just to dip my toe in the water, but you can think of dozens of cash-worthy domains. Get 'em now!

On-Line Auction Ends Thursday 12:15PM PT

Moniker's Silicon Valley TRAFFIC domain auction is in progress and you can bid right up to the closing at noon Thursday (May 7). If you've never seen a domain auction, be sure to click here and watch go for a cool $1.4 million at the live auction last week that preceded the current on-line auction.

Domain sales generally are going strong, despite the economy. Ron Jackson, Editor of Domain Name Journal, reports that first quarter '09 sales jumped 32% from the fourth quarter of '08 (28.3 million vs. $21.5 million).

I'm offering a number of domains in the auction, including:,,, The,,, and Visit the auction and check out the full list to get your creative juices flowing!