A new emergency contraception pill works even when taken up to five days after sex. Scottish researchers showed that ulipristal, the new drug, worked two days longer than the current three-day drug, levonorgestrel. Emergency contraception uses hormones to either prevent the release of an egg by the ovary in the hours after sex, or stop it implanting into the the womb.
This breakthrough gives considerable marketing value to the domain 5DayPill.com, which you can buy here -- just submit your offer as "comment" to this blog. Also consider submitting an offer to buy the great domain FittedCondoms.com.
Punta Colonet Mega-Port to be Bid in Spring 2011, Regardless of Panama
Canal Expansion, Says Mexico Secretary of Communications & Transportation;
Ferromex/Union Pacific Considering Bidding on Rail Portion
California’s container ports at Long Beach and Los Angeles will be over
capacity, even when the Panama Canal expansion Is finished in 2014, says
Juan Fra...