The Mexican government is preparing to finance construction of a mega-port in the tiny Pacific Coast village of Punta Colonet. If you’re thinking of doing business in Punta Colonet (construction, hotel, car rental, bank, law firm, etc.), or if you just want to make money buying and selling domains (web addresses), register or buy Punta Colonet domains NOW. Prices are only going higher as the mega-port project advances. See available domains here.
To give you an idea of what these domains could command in the future, here are a few geographic domain sales reported just last week: sold for $1.5 million; went for $450,000; and sold for $19,873.
Get your Punta Colonet domains (web addresses) now, for your own use or for profitable resale as the mega-port comes to fruition. Create new domains here for under $10.
Punta Colonet Mega-Port to be Bid in Spring 2011, Regardless of Panama
Canal Expansion, Says Mexico Secretary of Communications & Transportation;
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California’s container ports at Long Beach and Los Angeles will be over
capacity, even when the Panama Canal expansion Is finished in 2014, says
Juan Fra...