Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiger's Playmates

Tiger is back in the news and will be a headliner for years to come. I'm entertaining offers for, and for -- Punta Brava, Mexico, is the fabulous golf resort featuring a course designed by Tiger Woods himself. Enter your bid as a confidential "comment" to this blog, below. You really can make money this way... was first registered in late 2009 for $10. In February 2010 it sold for $1,400. The next month (March 2010), this domain resold for $151,000! Thanks to DNJournal for reporting this. More info here. When you buy a domain, you can resell it; set up your own website at the domain address; or set it up so that people who go to that address (, for instance) are automatically taken to your business's home page.

Learn more about how to make money fast with cheap domains here. Create your own new domains here for under $10 each. If you prefer to negotiate the purchase of or any other of my domains through a third party, you can submit your bid through GoDaddy here.