"The Grid" was a 2004 TV mini-series starring Dylan McDermott, but that's not why the phrase is so popular in the media and on the web.
The Grid can refer to mainstream life ("The loner abandoned creature comforts and was living off the grid"), the nation's energy infrastructure ("Obama is betting on a smart grid, a futuristic mix of information technology and traditional power lines"), the next-generation Internet ("Researchers say the Grid is the future of collaborative problem-solving") and many other things.
Ever heard of Off the Grid Sports, Off the Grid Entertainment,or Off the Grid Energy? Those phrases have already been registered as .coms, but the possibilities for additional domains are infinite.
Also consider domains like gridquick.com, gridgrease.com, gridgrabber.com, bestgridsites.com, gridgripper.com, gridgrins.com and kidzgrid.com.
Punta Colonet Mega-Port to be Bid in Spring 2011, Regardless of Panama
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California’s container ports at Long Beach and Los Angeles will be over
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Juan Fra...